EcoCast By ActualTech Media Best Practices Series: Implementing Advanced Threat Detection

Keynote Speaker

Ward Spangeberg

Ward Spangeberg

Founder, Principal Consultant AltGreen Research, LLC

About This EcoCast

When it comes to security, anything can get you -- the known knowns, the known unknowns and the unknown unknowns. The first category hurts when you don't install, or accidentally turn off, the fingerprint-detecting basics like firewalls and antivirus. The known unknowns can get stopped by pattern-based tools.

It's the unknown unknowns that get tricky. These tend to come from advanced persistent threats (APTs) -- actors like nation states and criminal organizations, although any bad actor with some talent and inspiration can create an advanced threat, defined as an attack that doesn't conform to existing attack patterns.

In this EcoCast, we'll look at how common these advanced threats are, and hear from top experts at leading security companies on how to prevent them. Don't miss this opportunity to close a critical gap in many organizations' defenses.

Why You Should Join:

  1. Discover cutting-edge threat detection technologies
  2. Learn effective threat mitigation strategies
  3. Gain actionable insights for immediate implementation


  1. Loris Degioanni

    Loris Degioanni Founder & CTO

  2. Chris Hoff

    Chris Hoff Senior Product Marketing Manager

  3. Dan Whitford

    Dan Whitford Solutions Engineer


All times shown are Eastern Time.

  1. Guest Speaker
  2. Sysdig
  1. Cohesity
  2. Censys