MegaCast By ActualTech Media Devising Cloud Strategies and Solutions


  • Rubrik
  • Veeam
  • Incorta
  • Nutanix
  • Duo Security
  • Faction
  • strongDM

About This MegaCast

"The cloud" still means different things to different IT people. For some, cloud is just a way to change the IT cost model. For others, it's a way to start new initiatives without friction. For others, it's a target for backups. The point is that it can be almost anything, depending on needs.

Attend this MegaCast for a ton of new ideas on how to use the cloud to advance your long-range IT goals. What are the ways that software-as-a-service could replace some on-premises infrastructure? How could a switch to modern applications supercharge an area of your business? Where could an expansion of infrastructure-as-a-service usage reduce your overall costs or dramatically improve your capacity and capability?

Come away from this event with innovative approaches to your most pressing IT problems.

  1. Joe Kelly

    Featuring Joe Kelly Cloud Solution Architect Rubrik

  2. Brian Mislavsky

    Featuring Brian Mislavsky Technical Product Manager Rubrik

  3. Sam Nicholls

    Featuring Sam Nicholls Sr. Director of Cloud, K8s & XaaS Veeam

  4. Rich Rodgers

    Featuring Rich Rodgers VP of Technology Partners Incorta

  5. Ashwin Warrier

    Featuring Ashwin Warrier VP of Product Management Incorta

  6. Allan Waters

    Featuring Allan Waters Sr. Solutions Marketing Manager Nutanix

  7. J. Wolfgang Goerlich

    Featuring J. Wolfgang Goerlich Advisory CISO Duo Security

  8. Mike Phelan

    Featuring Mike Phelan Senior Product Manager for Cyber Recovery Faction

  9. Tim Prendergast

    Featuring Tim Prendergast CEO strongDM

What You'll Learn

  1. Find out about innovative new approaches to cloud
  2. See thought-provoking demos of cloud tools
  3. Get answers to all your questions from expert presenters