Easy, Risk-Free Ways to Right Size Your VMware Environment


  • SIOS

About This Webinar

According to leading analysts, 80 percent of today’s virtual data centers are as much as 80 percent over-provisioned - an issue that is wasting tens of thousands of dollars annually. IT managers face a variety of challenges related to correctly provisioning a virtual infrastructure. They need to stay within budget while avoiding network over-provisioning may at first seem like it resolved the performance issue, but it can serve to mask the real problem. Over time, the original performance issue may surface again and this is compounded by its waste of IT budget dollars.

Join ActualTech Media Founder, David Davis for a look at the reasons over-provisioning is so commonplace. Learn about new machine learning-based technologies that make right-sizing easy - without risking performance or availability.

  1. David Davis

    Host David Davis Author, Speaker, and vExpert ActualTech Media

  2. Jim Shocrylas

    Featuring Jim Shocrylas Product Manager SIOS

What You'll Learn

  1. Why over-provisioning is so common
  2. Why most IT departments throw hardware at performance issues than identify actual requirements or solve root causes of problems
  3. App vendors push Rules-of-Thumb for provisioning that make their app fast - but at what expense?
  4. Why a lack of a holistic view of environment cause issues to be moved, rather than solved - and how to address this
  5. And much, much more!